Weeknotes #27
New Ways of Working
This week we’ve had some really positive discussions around our new delivery model and how we start the transition. We’ve tentatively formulated a ways of working group, bringing expertise across operations, software engineering, programme & portfolio management and Agile — so it should provide a nice blend in managing the change. The more conversations we’re having with people the consistent feedback is that it “makes sense” with no real holes in the way of working, however a recognition that we are some way away in terms of the skills needed with the current workforce. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to spin up our next pilot product teams and service in the next month.
Brand Building
Now that the holiday season is over with, we’re back into full flow on the training front. This week Dan ran another Agile Foundations session on Monday, which was followed up with some fantastic feedback. Speaking to someone who went in a separate conversation on Wednesday she said it was “the best training I have ever attended”, which is a fantastic endorsement to Dan and the material that we have. Currently it’s forecast for us to have delivered 41 training sessions in 2019, which will be a great achievement.
The good thing about these sessions going well is that word of mouth spreads, and this week I was approached about us getting involved in other initiatives across the firm. BXT is one of our Digital Services we offer to clients, and we’ve been requested to present at a BXT Jam later this month for roughly 40–50 people, to help familiarise attendees with what Agile at its core is really about, plus showcasing what we’re doing to grow and embed that thinking in our culture. We’ve also been asked to help run sessions on Agile as part of the firms Digital Accelerator initiative, which is helping over 250 people (open to anyone from Senior Associate to Director, across all LoS and IFS) upskill in all things digital, in order for them to become advocates and help the firms next phase of our transformation, helping us to build our digital future faster. With over 2000 applicants across the UK it’s something recognised by the whole firm and highly visible, so hoping it’s more positive press for the Agile Collaboratory — maybe we can get an exec board member playing with Lego!
Change is hard
This week in general I’ve found things to be really tough from a work perspective. I’m finding it increasingly difficult when involved in calls/meetings to not get frustrated at some of the things that are being discussed. This is mainly due to it being things like bad knowledge, deliberately obstructive behaviour, misinterpretation or statements being made about things people really just don’t know anything about. Despite trying to help guide people you can often be shouted down or simply not consulted in conversations. It must have been noticeable in particular this week as within our own team people asked if my weeknotes were going to be as bad as my mood!
I think when you’re involved in change like we are, there are going to be setbacks and off days/weeks — you are going to get frustrated. Like all things it’s important to recognise what caused that, and what preventive/proactive measures you’re going to take in order to not feel that way again. For myself, I’m going to temporarily taking myself out of certain meetings, in order to free up time to focus on individual discussions and share/build understanding that way.
Next Week
Next week it’s back to training, with another of our Hands On With Azure DevOps sessions in London. The week concludes with a trip to Manchester to look at identifying our next pilot product teams and areas of focus, a meeting I sense may provide more challenges!